Thursday, November 29, 2007

Having trouble stopping smoking?

As you probably know, some people have trouble breaking the dangerous habit of smoking. A well planned stop-smoking program will define a clear path for successfully stopping, an important step toward a healthier more active life.

Here are a few points that should be part of a well planned effort.

1. An army of one is not as good as an army of many. While the initiative to stop smoking has to come from within the smoker, those who surround that person can make a tremendous difference to success. Having supporters who lend and ear, offer positive reinforcement, and provide distraction will provide needed back up for the effort.

2. Prepare for your life as a “Non-smoker”. When the time comes to stop, make sure that you prepare all aspects of your life. Clean the car and house of all smoking related paraphernalia before stopping. This will make sure that there are no temptations.

3. Dry-clean or launder clothing and coats, clean as many items of clothing for the new smoke-free smell. The smoker’s sense of smell can quickly improve after stopping and having a smokeless wardrobe is very rewarding and reduced reminders of smoking.

4. Alter the routine and look for new distractions. Many smokers associate smoking with specific behaviors such as driving, visiting bars, watching TV, or taking breaks during the work day. Make detailed plans on ways to change the routine, on avoiding triggers, and on creating positive behaviors instead of old triggers.

5. Prescriptions medication offers a great tool to be used in addition to behavior change techniques. Zyban (Wellbutrin) has been used with great success in helping curb smoking urges. Talk to a physician about this as a component to a comprehensive stopping plan.

6. Tackle stopping one minute at a time. Little victories are the key to staying motivated toward the ultimate goal which is to remain smoke free.

7. Banish negativity from your success circle. Anyone who cares about your health and well being will support stopping smoking. Science has well proven the dangers of smoking and it is likely you have already suffered from colds, illness, shortness of breath, possibly even cancer related to your smoking habit. Stay away from people who do not support your efforts. Your less than supportive friends will be long gone when you are still living with your lifestyle induced health problems.

Personal individualized coaching available for making positive life change, visit

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